Dog scratching its ear due to potential seasonal allergies, environmental allergies, or other dog allergies

Understanding Your Dog's Allergies: From Symptoms to Solutions

by Michelle Wachs

Allergies in dogs are not only common but also a major cause of discomfort and health issues in our canine companions. Like humans, dogs can react negatively to their environment, certain foods, and even parasites like fleas.

This blog explores the types of allergies dogs can suffer from, how to recognize the symptoms, and discusses various treatments including the natural, supportive care option provided by Lavengel®.

Types of Dog Allergies

Dogs, like humans, can suffer from several types of allergies, which generally fall into a few categories:

Environmental Allergies

These occur when dogs react to substances in their environment such as pollen, dust mites, and mold. Signs of these allergies often manifest as atopic dermatitis, itchy skin, sneezing, and sometimes, respiratory issues.

Food Allergies

Food allergies in dogs arise due to an immune response to one or more ingredients in dog food. Symptoms can range from skin irritations to gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Flea Allergy Dermatitis

A common issue in dogs, this allergy is a reaction to flea bites, specifically to the flea's saliva. It typically causes severe itching, skin inflammation, and can lead to secondary skin infections due to scratching.

Understanding the specific type of allergy your dog is dealing with is crucial for effective treatment.

Venom Allergies

Venom allergies are uncommon, but not unheard of. Much like an allergy to a medication, you only really find out about a venom allergy after a dog has been stung by a bee or wasp or bitten by a spider or snake.

These are typically very serious reactions (anaphylaxis) that require immediate medical care. Signs of anaphylaxis in dogs can include hives (raised, often red bumps that push the fur up), severe swelling, wheezing or difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, disorientation, or even seizures.

German Shepherd with hair loss around eyes and snout lying on floor

Recognizing the Signs of Allergies in Dogs

Early detection and treatment are key to managing allergies effectively. Here are some common signs that your dog might be suffering from an allergic reaction:

  • Persistent Itching and Scratching: Often the first and most obvious sign of an allergic reaction.
  • Red, Inflamed Skin: Continuous scratching can lead to inflamed, sore skin as well as atopic dermatitis (also called atopy or eczema).
  • Hair Loss (alopecia): This can occur in areas where your dog may excessively scratch or bite.
  • Ear Infections: These can frequently occur in dogs with allergies and may be noticed by an odor, discharge, or your dog shaking its head more than usual.
  • Runny Eyes and Nose: This symptom is especially common with environmental allergies.

Monitoring these symptoms can help you catch allergies early and prevent more severe health issues.

Treatment Options for Dog Allergies

Effectively managing dog allergies usually involves a multi-faceted approach that may include:

Veterinary Prescribed Medications

Antihistamines and corticosteroids like Apoquel® (oclacitinib) and Cyclosporine, are commonly prescribed to reduce atopic dermatitis symptoms like inflammation and itchiness.

If your dog is allergic to bee or wasp stings, you may consider getting an EpiPen® prescribed to keep in case of emergencies.

Regular Flea Prevention

For dogs with flea allergies, consistent use of flea prevention medications is crucial. See our Dog Tick Tips post for some of the top vet-recommended flea and tick prevention products out there.

Hypoallergenic Diets

Switching to a diet specifically formulated to avoid common food allergens can significantly help dogs with food allergies.

Environmental Management

Regular cleaning to reduce dust and dander can help manage environmental allergies.

Home Remedies

There are a few home remedy options available for temporary allergy relief like: a soothing oatmeal bath, applying coconut oil to the skin to help moisturize, and aloe vera to cool and calm the skin. Make sure the aloe vera used is pet-safe and free from added ingredients that could be harmful.


Often recommended by veterinarians for its gentle yet effective formula, Lavengel® offers a natural, gentle, yet effective option to soothe and help heal irritated skin without a prescription. Its natural anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling and discomfort, while its moisturizing effects protect the skin and promote faster healing.

Incorporating Lavengel® into Your Dog’s Allergy Care Routine

Lavengel tube, gel dollop, and dried lavender sprigs arranged in smile shape on white marble background

Adding Lavengel® to your dog’s skin care routine can enhance comfort and help speed up recovery. Apply Lavengel® to clean, dry affected areas 2-3 times a day, or as needed, to create a soothing barrier that prevents further irritation and supports the skin's natural healing process.

Its safe, natural formula means you don’t have to worry if your dog licks the area. The biting, licking, or scratching will typically stop right away, but we advise you keep your dog occupied for about a minute after application to ensure it has time to penetrate the skin. In some cases, a bandage or cone may be necessary.

We also highly encourage you to keep Lavengel® in your dog’s first-aid kit at home and on the go. If you don't have a dog first aid kit, don’t fret! You can learn more about how to put one together in our Dog First Aid Facility.

If your dog’s allergies persist, worsen, or appear severe, please consult with your veterinarian.


Managing your dog’s allergies effectively requires an understanding of the symptoms and the available treatment options. By combining veterinary advice with supportive care treatments like Lavengel®, you can help alleviate your dog's discomfort and prevent future allergy flare-ups.

Always consult with your veterinarian to develop a comprehensive allergy management plan tailored to your dog's specific needs.

For more info and photo examples of canine atopic dermatitis, visit our Atopic Dermatitis and Skin Allergies Resource page.

For more information on Lavengel® and how it can be a part of your dog’s health toolkit, visit our Shop page. We also encourage you to read stories from other pet owners as well as our great customer reviews.

Here’s to a happier, healthier life for your furry friend!

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