Wholesale Hub

  • Shopping bag icon in black circle

    I'm a new retailer

    Choose this option if you would like to sell Lavengel® in your shop or salon. We'll create an account for you to order direct from us.

    Come sniff us out 
  • Stethoscope icon in black circle

    I'm a new vet clinic

    Select this option if you would like to use and/or sell Lavengel® at your veterinary clinic. Find links to some of our published research as well.

    We love dogtors 
  • Faire 'F' logo in black circle

    I'm on Faire®

    Choose this option if you have a Retailer account with Faire®. Retailers that sign up for Faire® (it's free) get 50% off their first order + more!

    See how we Faire