Tube of Lavengel sits on green leaves amidst purple berries

RTD Neutraceuticals, LLC Receives U.S. Patent for Lavengel®

February 9, 2021

RTD NEUTRACEUTICALS, LLC, Johnson City, TN, (now AOX Biopharma, LLC) has been awarded a United States patent, Topical Gel Compositions for the Treatment of Staphylococcal Infections,” for the efficacy of Lavengel® against skin infections caused by Staphylococcus bacteria.

W. Andrew Clark, Ph.D, RD, the inventor, Chief Technology Officer for the company, and Associate Dean of Research at ETSU’s College of Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences, reports that this invention has been the subject of research activities for over a decade with investigation being conducted at ETSU, Wake Forest University, and regional veterinary clinics (clinical evaluation). “We continue to be surprised about the efficacy of Lavengel® in resolving skin issues in humans and animals,” states Clark, “and have seen effectiveness with insect bites, abrasions, burns, blisters, disrupted skin from radiation, eczema, ‘hot spots’ in dogs, cuts, cold sores, incision lines, MRSA/MRSP bacterial infections and numerous others.”

RTD Neutraceuticals, LLC, would like to thank Jennifer Livingston and the legal counselors of Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP, Cincinnati, OH, for their efforts in making this possible.  The official patent number, issued as of February 9, 2021, is #10,912,759.

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