Take a look at how to keep your dog safe from poisoning, heat strokes, cold, and many common foods and seasonal hazards that can make for a very bad day.
Safety First

7 Halloween Dos and Don’ts Every Dog Parent Nee...
Halloween is creeping up, and while it can be a treat for us, it can be a little more… tricky for our furry friends. From costume mishaps to decoration dangers,...
7 Halloween Dos and Don’ts Every Dog Parent Nee...
Halloween is creeping up, and while it can be a treat for us, it can be a little more… tricky for our furry friends. From costume mishaps to decoration dangers,...

What to Do If Your Dog Gets Stung by a Wasp or Bee
Let's look at how to care for bee or wasp stings, signs your dog has been stung, how vets treat serious allergic reactions, remedies for bee stings, and as a...
What to Do If Your Dog Gets Stung by a Wasp or Bee
Let's look at how to care for bee or wasp stings, signs your dog has been stung, how vets treat serious allergic reactions, remedies for bee stings, and as a...

Safety Tips for Dogs This 4th of July
The 4th of July is almost here! For us, it's a day of celebration, festive foods, and fireworks. For dogs, it can be a time of celebration, staring at festive...
Safety Tips for Dogs This 4th of July
The 4th of July is almost here! For us, it's a day of celebration, festive foods, and fireworks. For dogs, it can be a time of celebration, staring at festive...

Protect Your Dog's Paws This Summer: Tips to Pr...
Summer is finally here! With temperatures rising, we need to be extra careful to prevent paw burns. Let’s dive into what you should look out for, how to prevent burns,...
Protect Your Dog's Paws This Summer: Tips to Pr...
Summer is finally here! With temperatures rising, we need to be extra careful to prevent paw burns. Let’s dive into what you should look out for, how to prevent burns,...

Heat Strokes in Dogs: How to Identify Heat Exha...
As core temperatures rise, the body’s cooling systems begin to break down. The body is unable to cool itself through panting, which leads to a range of downstream effects.
Heat Strokes in Dogs: How to Identify Heat Exha...
As core temperatures rise, the body’s cooling systems begin to break down. The body is unable to cool itself through panting, which leads to a range of downstream effects.

Common Foods Your Pet Shouldn't Gobble Up on Th...
It's finally turkey time! With that in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to point out some important foods to avoid giving your pet during this year’s...
Common Foods Your Pet Shouldn't Gobble Up on Th...
It's finally turkey time! With that in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to point out some important foods to avoid giving your pet during this year’s...

Pet First Aid Awareness
April is Pet First Aid Awareness Month! With spring here, pets are more likely to be out with their families playing, hiking, and boating. While springtime fun increases, so does...
Pet First Aid Awareness
April is Pet First Aid Awareness Month! With spring here, pets are more likely to be out with their families playing, hiking, and boating. While springtime fun increases, so does...

Pet Poison Prevention
March is Pet Poison Prevention Month! We all do our best to keep our pets out of known toxic items, but let’s use this month to refresh on common toxic...
Pet Poison Prevention
March is Pet Poison Prevention Month! We all do our best to keep our pets out of known toxic items, but let’s use this month to refresh on common toxic...

6 Simple Solutions to Keep Your Dog Safe During...
As we hit peak winter weather, you might be wondering, “It’s too cold for me to go outside, so is it safe for my dog?” The answer will vary from...
6 Simple Solutions to Keep Your Dog Safe During...
As we hit peak winter weather, you might be wondering, “It’s too cold for me to go outside, so is it safe for my dog?” The answer will vary from...
Keep on Learning
Canine Care
Carry me forth!A cornucopia of content concerning our canine counterparts - ranging from cold weather tips to skin conditions to why dogs lick their feet.
Dog Training Tips
Let's board this trainWant to know what to teach your dog? Dive into the psychology of canine training as taught by a lead animal behavior trainer at a zoo!
Savvy Science Sector
Time to get nerdyLavengel® was built upon a fascination with the molecular world. Peer into the microscope to examine enormously tiny topics.