It Mite Be Mange: Photos, Causes, Symptoms + Treatment
Remember, this is an educational resource, not a guide for diagnosis.
Pictures are helpful, but they may not tell the whole dermatological story. We always recommend consulting with your vet for any of your dog's health concerns.

What is Mange?
Mange is a skin disease caused by microscopic parasites called mites. The word comes from the Old French mangeue, meaning "eat" or "chew."
There are two main types of mange that affect dogs, each named after the specific mite that causes it: demodectic (demodicosis, demodex, or red mange) and sarcoptic (scabies). Though they share some similarities, they have different treatments and prognoses.
Photo: Dog with mange and secondary infection; via International Aid for the Protection & Welfare of Animals (IAPWA)
Key Identifiers of Mange
- Patches of spreading hair loss (alopecia), typically beginning on the face
- Redness, acariasis (rash), with scaling skin
- Swelling, infections, crusts
- Itching is common, but may not be severe
- Extreme itching
- Spreading hair loss
- Redness, rash, infection
- Scabs and hyperpigmentation (dark areas)
- Yellow crusts and skin thickening/hardening
- Itching, pain, and sensitivity
Secondary bacterial (pyoderma) and yeast (Malassezia) infections are common with severe cases of both forms of mange.

Demodectic Mange
Demodectic mange (demodicosis) is the most common form of mange in dogs. The cigar-shaped demodex mites are part of the normal array of microbes that live on dogs' skin, inhabiting hair follicles and sebaceous glands (another part of hair follicles).
A normal immune system keeps the mites in check, and they cause no problem unless they grow out of control due to a weak or suppressed immune system. Demodex occurs most often to puppies less than 18 months old whose immune systems have not fully developed.
Red mange can happen to seniors with weaker immune systems or to adults with underlying health issues, such as malnutrition, cancer, hypothyroidism, or diabetes.
Photo: Demodectic mange mites under microscope, by Dr. Michael W. Dryden, DVM, PhD, DACVM; via the Merck Veterinary Manual
Is Demodex Mange Contagious?
Demodex mange is not contagious - either between dogs, other animals, or humans. Nearly all dogs carry demodex mites, as they are transferred from their mother shortly after birth.
Because the immune system (abnormalities included) is transferred genetically, it is strongly believed that demodex mange is hereditary. It is recommended that dogs affected by demodectic mange should not be bred, and the parents shouldn't be bred again.

Sarcoptic Mange
Sarcoptic mange, or scabies, is caused by the Sarcoptes scabiei mite, which resembles a tick with stubby legs. Unlike demodex mites, which are associated with hair follicles, scabies mites burrow anywhere into the skin, feed, and breed quickly.
Scabies can affect all ages and breeds of dogs, causing intense itching. They tend to attack the ear margins, elbows, and ankles, then spread. Dogs constantly chew and scratch to stop the itch, leading to hair loss, redness, and darkening (hyperpigmentation) and hardening of the skin.
Symptoms might appear as soon as 10 days or as late as 8 weeks after contact. If scabies is left untreated, it can result in emaciation and eventual death.
Photo: Scabies mite under microscope, by Dr. Michael W. Dryden, DVM, PhD, DACVM; via the Merck Veterinary Manual
Is Sarcoptic Mange Contagious?
Yes, scabies are highly contagious - another difference between it and red (demodex) mange. They are typically picked up from other animals (such as foxes or coyotes) that are infected, and they can even be acquired from shed fur or bedding.
Scabies are zoonotic, meaning they can affect animals other than dogs - yes, including humans. While the scabies mites cannot complete their life cycle on humans like on dogs, they can make life miserable for several days.
It's important that any bedding, collars, clothing, or fabrics that your dog comes into regular contact with are frequently washed or discarded to prevent re-infection.

How Is Mange in Dogs Treated?
We highly recommend seeking veterinary consultation, as mange can spread quickly.
Your vet will take skin scrapings to determine if, and what type of mange is present. Sometimes, multiple scrapings may be needed, as scabies mites can "hide."
With demodex mange, treatment depends on whether it is localized (a few patches) or generalized (all over). The localized form is often treated with topicals and medicated shampoos. There have been many cases where localized red mange has resolved on its own - that is, the dog's immune system was able to stop it before it could spread further.
Both scabies and the generalized form of demodex mange call for more aggressive treatment to stop the infestation, cleanse the skin, and address secondary issues that may have arisen from the damaged skin - such as bacterial and/or yeast infections.
Several oral and topical treatments that veterinarians may consider for mange are:
- Topical: selamectin, moxidectin-imidacloprid, topical fluralaner
- Injectable: doramectin
- Oral: milbemycin oxime, afoxolaner, fluralaner, and ivermectin (cannot be used for many herding breeds)
Humans that have been exposed to scabies should consider consulting with their doctor.
Photo: Sarcoptic mange; by Adam P. Patterson, DVM, DACVD; via Clinician's Brief
Can Lavengel® Help with Canine Mange?
We do know that Lavengel® can be useful in relieving the itch and irritation caused by mange, but we have not conducted the research to test its efficacy against mange mites. We have one confirmed testimony of an owner using our gel on a case of scabies on her yellow Labrador (photos below). Here's what she had to say:
"The very first time I put your gel on Gunner, IMMEDIATELY, he calmed down, was able to sleep, and not be scratching or biting all of his allergic [scabies] spots. AMAZING! He eased and finally got some good sleep... It is helping, even visibly noticeable for the loss of the terrible redness he originally had.
The original problem turned out (after 3 trips to the vet) from being infested by sarcoptic mange mites that we got here from mange-carrying foxes on our farm. But your cream [gel] helped tremendously along with the prescribed treatment after he was properly diagnosed with those mites." -- Alberta S.
From this, we can logically surmise that Lavengel® could be used to relieve and heal the damaged skin caused by sarcoptic mange - in conjunction with another prescribed treatment(s) to eradicate the mites.
Mange in Dogs FAQs
How do dogs get mange?
The two forms of mange are caused by two different species of microscopic mites.
Demodectic Mange
Demodectic mange (or demodicosis) is caused by an overpopulation of Demodex canis mites that normally inhabit the hair follicles of nearly all dogs. This tends to occur when:
- The immune system is weak (in puppies and senior adults) and cannot regulate the mite population like normal, healthy dogs
- The immune system is suppressed or compromised due to a severe systemic infection or debilitating disease such as cancer, hypothyroidism, Cushing's disease, or diabetes mellitus
Lastly, there is strong evidence that demodectic mange is genetically inherited, and it is recommended that dogs with demodicosis should not be bred.
Sarcoptic Mange
Sarcoptic mange, or scabies, is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei mites that feed on skin and hair. Scabies is highly contagious, and acquired via:
- Contact with another animal carrying the parasites, such as other dogs, foxes, coyotes, or even humans.
- Contact with bedding, loose fur, fabrics, or other articles that the carrier animal has laid on or brushed against
Do flea and tick products help with mange?
Some can, yes, though it is an off-label use.
Many prescription flea and tick products from brands such as NexGard®, Bravecto®, Simparica®, and Interceptor® contain ingredients that are effective at killing and repelling mange mites, such as:
- Selamectin
- Moxidectin-imidacloprid
- Fluralaner
- Milbemycin oxime (Interceptor®)
- Afoxolaner
Is mange in dogs contagious?
Sarcoptic mange (scabies) is HIGHLY contagious in dogs, and can be spread easily between dogs and humans.
Demodectic mange, on the other hand, is not considered contagious among dogs.
Will my dog's mange go away on its own?
Localized forms of demodectic mange - that is, small random patches - can be left untreated and natural recovery happens frequently as the dog's immune system corrects the overpopulation of mites.
Generalized (all over the body) demodex mange will require treatment. Because it is so uncommon in healthy adult dogs, veterinarians will also see if there is an underlying condition or disease that has led to the demodicosis.
Scabies (sarcoptic mange), will not go away and should be treated by a veterinarian immediately to prevent spread and save the dog (and you) from a lot of itching and misery.
What's the difference between mange and yeast dermatitis?
Mange is caused by two different species of parasitic mites, whereas yeast infections are caused by a fungus (Malassezia pachydermatitis). Yeast and mange require very different forms of treatment. You can get a lot more info on the two types of mange on our Yeast Resource Page.
Since both types of conditions - in their severe forms - can result in hair loss, severe itching, hyperpigmentation (dark coloring), and scaly skin, these two conditions are often confused. In fact, a severe mange mite infestation can lead to secondary pyoderma and yeast infections.
It should be noted that, in general, mange is rather uncommon, and occurs much less frequently than yeast dermatitis.
What's the difference between ringworm and mange?
Ringworm and demodectic mange can sometimes be confused because they both tend to exhibit spreading patches of hair loss (alopecia), especially around the face. Both diseases feed on hair follicles and can exhibit mild itching or none at all.
Some of the key differences between ringworm and demodectic mange:
- Ringworm is a fungus; mange is caused by parasitic mites
- Ringworm is extremely contagious to humans and other animal species, whereas demodectic mange is not
- Ringworm can affect any dog; demodex mange tends to only affect dogs with weak or compromised immune systems
- Ringworm will cause hair follicles to glow bright green under a Wood's lamp; mange will not
- While both involve skin and hair cytology in diagnosing, ringworm requires a fungal culture to properly diagnose and monitor treatment progress
Can humans get mange from dogs?
Yes and no.
Scabies (sarcoptic mange) can be spread easily between dogs and humans.
Unlike in dogs, the mites cannot complete their life cycle in humans, so they will eventually die. However, they will bring about extreme itching for several days, and it is recommended that people who contract scabies consult a doctor.
Demodectic mange in dogs, however, cannot be spread to humans.
Can I see mange mites on my dog without a microscope?
Sarcoptic mange (scabies) mites can barely be seen with the naked eye at 0.2-0.6mm long. They may resemble tiny black dots on the skin, and can easily be confused with dirt.
Demodectic mites are semi-transparent and too small to be seen with the naked eye.
Can a dog die from mange?
It is possible for dogs to die from sarcoptic mange (scabies), though it is extremely unlikely. The mange itself would not be considered the probable direct cause of death.
It is more likely for a fatal systemic infection to develop because of, or in addition to, a generalized (covering the body) case of the disease.
Dogs that reach this state are typically neglected and suffering from malnutrition, infection, emaciation, and other underlying disease that overpowers the immune system.
More Canine Skin Issues
Yeast Infections
Yeast can be a real beastYeast infections can affect the skin (dermatitis), ears (otitis), and paws, and are caused by a fungus called Malassezia.
This worm is actually a germDespite the name, ringworm is not a parasite, but fungus caused by three different species. It can even be spread to and from humans.
Don't trust the crustSeborrhea involves excess keratin production and buildup on the skin. It tends to appear as thick dandruff and yellowish, oily crusts.
- Cornell University Riney Canine Health Center: Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies)
- VCA Animal Hospitals: Demodectic Mange in Dogs
- VCA Animal Hospitals: Sarcoptic Mange in Dogs
- Merck Veterinary Manual: Mange in Dogs and Cats
- American Kennel Club: Mange in Dogs
- International Aid for the Protection & Welfare of Animals (IAPWA): What is Mange?