Senior beagle mix leans with front legs on couch looking at camera

Tails from the Clinic: Pearly the Senior Beagle Mix


Pearly is a senior beagle mix of over 12 years who began having seasonal allergy symptoms, including a red and inflamed groin, licking and chewing the base of her tail, as well as inflammation in both ears.

Pearly had chewed and disrupted the skin at the base of her tail for several days before her owner noticed the severity. A canine hot spot (acute moist dermatitis) developed spanning approximately 4 inches wide and 6 inches long, traveling up the base of her spine.

Her owner was not able to bring her to her primary veterinarian at that time. She shaved the hair around the hot spot and washed it with unscented antibacterial soap and rinsed well. She then applied Lavengel that she had on hand. She continued to wash the area twice daily and apply Lavengel generously.

Pearly’s owner noticed a marked improvement within 24 hours, including reduced redness around the area, marked reduction in discomfort, and less discharge from the wound. Pearly was extremely painful around the area, often whining and trying to sit down while cleaning the area. She reported that the wound was completely scabbed within 5 days and new skin formation was noted at approximately 10 days.

Pearly was also given Benadryl orally at 1mg/pound q12 hours to reduce itching. She was seen at her regular veterinarian’s office and received oral Prednisone on a tapering dosage.

The owner was extremely pleased with the results after using Lavengel on Pearly. Having an OTC topical product that is safe for her pets is extremely important to her and can reduce costly trips to the veterinarian. She raved about the smell and is excited to try it on other skin related issues in her home.

For more on canine hotspots, including what they look like, how they happen, and what you can do about them, see our hotspot resource page, as well as our Ultimate Hotspot Guide.

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About the Author

Tasha Nelson, M.S., Researcher and Veterinary Assistant

Tasha Nelson Phillips is a veterinary assistant and researcher. She began her work in veterinary medicine in 2014 at a small practice in East Tennessee. She has a B.S. in Biology as well as a Master’s degree in Microbiology from East Tennessee State University. Her undergraduate and graduate research focused on Lavengel®, exploring its efficacy and mechanism of action against common bacterial species.

Tasha’s interests focus on natural antimicrobial options and exploring novel compounds to combat antibiotic resistance. She continues to work in small animal emergency and critical care medicine. She spends her free time with her husband and three furry babies in their East Tennessee home.